суббота, 17 апреля 2021 г.

How to choose a face cream

Face cream is a simple, useful and necessary remedy. If you choose it wisely, you will find a reliable ally for your skin. What to look for before buying a cream on the webbshop , we will tell in our buyer's guide.


Residents of the urban jungle should get used to the idea that the environment is not very favorable to our skin: the sun ages it, the water dries and the air oxidizes. Who would like that? The cream will help you not to age quickly and not be afraid of your reflection in the mirror. The main thing is to choose the right purpose.

Moisturizing cream  normalizes moisture balance of the skin. Signs of insufficient hydration - the skin peels, cracks or becomes rough.

Nutritious ground for he em  - nourishes and moisturizes skin. The active substances that are part of it stimulate metabolism and regenerate the appearance of new cells.

I clean whose cream  has bactericidal properties and removes the top layer of cells with solid particles that are part of the tool. Such care should not be used often.

Rejuvenating cr eat  and  tools ve d wrinkles  should be used in the early stages of growing skin. They will help correct wrinkles and make them less noticeable.

Sunscreen protects the skin from the sun's rays, thanks to light filters. Protective cream - a means of combating the negative effects of the environment: winter frosts, dryness and seasonal peeling of the skin.

Protective and sunscreen differ in the degree of protection, as indicated on the package or tube. Do not ignore such tips, because the wrong tool not only does not work, but can exacerbate the problem *.

When choosing a facial skin care product, also consider the age, skin type and compatibility with other residents of the cosmetic bag.

Skin type

The latest trend in skin care suggests abandoning any classifications. Skin type is not an innate characteristic, this indicator can change daily throughout life, because it is influenced by many factors - from hormonal background to intestinal function.

Remember how sometimes wrinkles can be seen around the eyes from dehydration, and next week the forehead and chin become inflamed. With the help of various creams, you can eliminate the main problems and bring the skin closer to normal.

Normal-skin is velvety, with no acne and even in color It is soft, elastic, smooth, without visible pores and wrinkles, velvety with a pleasant pink tinge. With this type of skin works a sacred rule - "do no harm."

Therefore, the usual  nourishing cream  based on thermal water will suffice. Growing up, ladies with this skin type can choose products with collagen, which fights the formation of wrinkles.

Oily skin has a characteristic shine, prone to acne, pimples and blackheads. This type of skin, as a rule, keeps youth longer, less wrinkles are formed on it.

Oily skin should not be dried, but moisturizing will not be superfluous. It should give preference  cream on l ehkiy basis  and with  Efe ktomu matting . The best components of such funds - chamomile, yarrow and calendula.

Dry skin peels, gives a feeling of tightness, and wrinkles on it are formed very early. This skin a healthy look and adds elasticity  cr eat  containing glycerin and hyaluronic acid or wax cream with collagen. Such funds retain moisture, which nourishes the skin.

Combination skin has taken the best of other skin types: the T-zone is prone to oiliness, other areas are dry or normal. Such skin needs extra care and continuous, and it is best to put  Kre of  the zones. The cream for this skin type should have an anti-inflammatory effect, it may include natural neck oil, plantain and sage.

Problematic skin is  generous with acne and pimples. It should be spared and cared for with an antiseptic cream. Care products for this skin type are a little more expensive, they include kaolin, tea tree oil, various trace elements. In the pursuit of a clean face, the main thing is not to overdo it, because less is better and better.

Sensitive skin reacts quickly to make-up, cream and other care products. It is important for owners of such skin to read the composition carefully: the presence of acids can cause allergic reactions and even burns . Choose a  light cream  with allantoin without dyes and flavors.

The cream for all skin types combines the basic functions of facial skin care products. This rem is  convenient to take with you on vacation, business trip or a short trip. When choosing a care product at home, it is better to focus on a product with one or two purposes.

Time of day

During the day, the protective, secretory and thermoregulatory functions of the skin are activated, but the processes of cell division and regeneration stop. Therefore, the main task of the day cream is to provide enough moisture and protection.

Try not to change creams every day: most have a cumulative effect. And if they alternate even with no less active means, there will be no effect.

Day cream  consists of 70% water, it has a light consistency. The purpose of application is to preserve the health and youth of the skin. It contains substances that protect the skin from negative factors, are quickly and well absorbed.

At night, positive processes take place in our body: skin cells also multiply, renew and regenerate.

Our task is to provide the skin with additional energy resources and help remove toxins. Night is a time when wrinkles, dullness, puffiness, acne and laziness will not be able to withstand the pressure of state-of-the-art cream components.

The night cream is  thicker in composition, nourishes and restores the skin. Before applying the night cream, the face should be cleansed with a tonic or local water. The night cream contains elements that help restore the skin's natural functions and improve its regeneration.

Choose day and night cream according to skin type. For dry skin you need a thick night cream, for combination - according to the zones, oily skin will enjoy a light night remedy.

Helpful Hint: Skin cells go into night mode after 18 hours, so the later you apply the drugs, the shorter the time of their exposure.


With age, the skin loses elasticity and resilience, and the oval face becomes less clearly defined. All the fault of the decrease in the activity of cells that stop producing the necessary amount of collagen and elastin, due to which the skin tone is lost.

Therefore, when buying a cream, pay attention to the age mark. Manufacturers do not specify such recommendations in vain, this is not a marketing move. The skin ages, and changing care products is a necessary step over time.

Remedies for teens are a care determined by hormonal changes. This cream should be picked up at the pharmacy to save the teenager from the effects of acne.

The cream marked 18-25 has a lighter composition. Nourishing and moisturizing will help keep your skin healthy and supple. During this period, the cream is applied for prophylactic purposes.

Cream 25+ for women 25-35 years: cares more carefully, nourishes the skin with vitamins and prevents early wrinkles.

Cream 40+ - a necessary tool for mature skin. It contains collagen and liposomal substances that slow down the aging process of the skin and carefully care for problem areas.


To avoid confusion when choosing a beauty product, set your own priorities for skin care - treatment, prevention, decorative function. Do not forget about allergies and individual intolerance of components. 

The skin may not get used to hyaluronic acid or shea butter, but we always want something fresh, unusual and even more effective. When choosing a new cream, do not forget the simple but useful tips:

  • The price of facial skin care products is different and you should not chase the most expensive. The cream from a reliable manufacturer - the average cost.
  • Ignore the wow factor. It is not necessary that you have a cult product and it suits your skin.
  • Consult a cosmetologist-aesthetician, he will help determine the type of skin and vector of care for the areas. The use of cream can and should be alternated with masks, scrubs and procedures.
  • Before buying a cream, use a product sampler. This will save you from the wrong choice and unnecessary costs.
  • The label on the packaging "without parabens" or "without sulfates" does not guarantee the absence of other undesirable components.
  • Cream in tubes is more economical and hygienic than analogues in glasses.
  • The manufacturer is obliged to list the full list of ingredients - in the composition, in small print. Natural remedies are mostly listed first, even if they are in the minority.
  • A good cream has a transparent or white color, uniform texture, natural odor or no fragrance at all.
  • Pay attention to the expiration date of the product, and not only on the date "to" which the cream is suitable, but also how many months to use them after you open the tool.

Always stay beautiful and take care of your skin with joy!

пятница, 16 апреля 2021 г.

Россия и ВТО

Россия стала полноправным членом ВТО 22 августа 2012 г. Обязательства России отражены в следующих документах: Отчет Рабочей группы по присоединению Российской Федерации к Всемирной торговой организации; Протокол о присоединении Российской Федерации к Марракешскому соглашению об учреждении Всемирной торговой организации; Перечень тарифных уступок; Список конкретных обязательств по услугам.2

Присоединение к ВТО не привело к кардинальным изменениям в регулировании иностранных инвестиций в РФ. Российские законы и двусторонние международные соглашения о защите иностранных инвестиций, а также заключенные, взятые перед присоединением, содержат почти все основные положения ВТО в отношении национального режима для иностранных инвесторов и все общие гарантии. Однако при подготовке к вступлению в бизнес-сообщество и сообщество экспертов широко обсуждались возможные последствия этого шага для экспорта и импорта ПИИ. На сегодняшний день с момента присоединения прошло два года. Можно сделать некоторые предварительные выводы и попытаться оценить, насколько оправданы высказанные в ходе дискуссий опасения и ожидания.

Согласно рейтингу, составленному Ernst & Young, в 2013 году Россия заняла третье место по инвестиционной привлекательности после США и Китая. В основу рейтинга положены данные о притоке ПИИ, а также опросы более 800 представителей компаний из разных отраслей (56% респондентов из Западной Европы, 13% - из Центральной и Восточной Европы, 15% - из Северной Америки, 6% - из Юго-Восточной Азии). Об этом же свидетельствует и таможенная статистика РФ Количество новых проектов, созданных с участием иностранных инвесторов, упало на 11% - до 114, а количество новых рабочих мест, созданных в основном в автомобильной промышленности и химической промышленности, увеличилось на 2% (до 13,6 тыс.). По сравнению с 2008-2009 гг. увеличились ПИИ в бизнес-услуги и снизились - в промышленные проекты. Еще в начале 2014 г. были зафиксированы опросы, направленные на повышение привлекательности российского PII.5.

Участие России в ВТО расширяет возможности экспорта продукции, произведенной на заводах, расположенных здесь. Как член ВТО Россия пользуется наибольшим благоприятствованием, согласно которому каждая страна-член обязана предоставить другому государству-члену не менее благоприятные условия для торговли, чем те, которые она предоставляет другой стране. Это означает, что Россия автоматически применит любые улучшения (например, снижение импортных пошлин и налогов), предоставленные одним государством другому государству-члену ВТО.

Кроме того, участие в ВТО укрепляет позиции российских экспортеров, в том числе компаний с иностранным участием, в случае возникновения торговых споров. Российский экспорт, конкурентоспособный на мировом рынке, сталкивается с серьезным противодействием со стороны зарубежных торговых партнеров. Ограничения за рубежом распространяются на наиболее значимые экспортные товары России, кроме энергоносителей. Для ограничения нежелательного импорт России использует практически все известные методы - антидемпинговые пошлины, квоты, лицензирование, технические стандарты и т. Д. Находясь вне ВТО, Россия была лишена инструментов, необходимых для борьбы с незаконным, с точки зрения международных стандартов, пределы его экспорта. Теперь, после того как Россия стала полноправным членом ВТО, российские экспортеры получили такие возможности и могут использовать механизм разрешения споров, действующий внутри организации.

Увеличился экспорт автомобилей. Согласно таможенной статистике, в январе-сентябре 2013 года доля экспорта в производстве легковых автомобилей по сравнению с аналогичным периодом 2012 года увеличилась с 5,8% до 6,9%. На грузовые автомобили - с 9% до 12,4%. За 9 месяцев 2013 г. экспорт грузовых автомобилей составил 17,8 тыс. Шт. ПК. и выросла на 13,3%, легковых - 94,8 тыс. ПК. (рост на 14,2%). За этот же период объемы импорта грузовых автомобилей снизились на 30,9%, легковых автомобилей - на 19,1%.


Проведя анализ сотрудничества России с сообществами зарубежных стран, можно сделать вывод, что на данном этапе перед Россией стоит непростая задача преодоления политических и экономических барьеров на пути к благоприятному сосуществованию со странами Европы, Азии и США. Мы должны надеяться, что законодательство, политические действия и хорошая экономическая политика помогут наладить отношения с зарубежными странами.

четверг, 15 апреля 2021 г.

What is engine chip tuning

The chip tuning a car - reprogramming the engine control unit in order to improve its performance. The engine of a modern car has an impressive power reserve, but manufacturers limit its capabilities at the programming stage.

Modern technologies make it possible to reflash these programs in order to improve the technical characteristics of the vehicle. There is a heated debate among motorists and mechanics about chip tuning, its capabilities, advantages and disadvantages. It is worth understanding these issues in order to understand whether you specifically need this service, what consequences it leads to.

Why do manufacturers impose restrictions on the operation of the motor?

The first question that car owners ask when they first come across the concept of chip tuning is why manufacturers generally program the operation of the motor with significant restrictions. There are several reasons for this:

  • taxation - in many countries, the size of the tax on transport directly depends on the power level of its engine, therefore, manufacturers deliberately program motors in such a way as to reduce the fiscal burden;
  • environmental standards - a decrease in power leads to a decrease in carbon dioxide emissions, car manufacturers program the engine in accordance with environmental standards;
  • financial savings - a derated engine allows using cheaper and lower quality fuel without negative consequences for it.

Any new engine has an impressive margin of safety and durability. By slightly adjusting the performance of the software, you can significantly increase the torque and improve other characteristics of the motor.

Can an engine fail after chip tuning?

It is believed that interference with the work of the "brains" of modern vehicles leads to rapid physical wear of the engine. In reality, it all depends on the literacy, qualifications of the master who performs the readjustment.

He can be compared to a jeweler, because the utmost precision in his work is extremely important. If you turn to professionals who understand these issues, then there will be no problems.

Each engine has an impressive margin of safety, so intervention in the operation of the software practically does not reduce the resource of the motor. This question is relevant only for old cars.

If you are far from the first vehicle owner, the decision on the need for chip tuning should be made only after a full comprehensive diagnosis.

Engine wear is much more influenced by the quality of fuels and lubricants, and not by software adjustments. But it is worth remembering that any car is a single well-coordinated system. A significant increase in torque leads to an increase in the load on the gearbox. The chip tuning technician should take into account such features.

What about the factory warranty?

By interfering with the operation of the vehicle software, which is under the factory warranty, you risk losing it. Although specialized companies convince customers that no one will be able to identify the changes made in time, in reality, the situation is different.

The car dealer you are partnering with will detect the changes in the firmware, if this is the goal. You can, of course, take the risk, but the responsibility for such a decision remains only with you.

Is chip tuning effective? How much power can be increased?

We can definitely say that povečanje moči and the increase in torque is noticeable only on turbocharged engines. Chip tuning of naturally aspirated engines does not give such a result, here the power will increase by only 7-10%, which most motorists will not even notice.

The increase in the power of turbocharged engines is 35-50%. Such changes are especially noticeable while driving on the highway, when overtaking. Within the city, you will simply have nowhere to use the increased potential.

What parameters can be adjusted during chip tuning?

Chip tuning masters adjust the following parameters and indicators:

  • calibration factors influencing the choice of the optimal ignition timing;
  • valve timing;
  • bypass valve operation;
  • excess air ratio.

This process is complex and individual, because it is impossible to reconfigure two different motors according to the same parameters. Chip tuning experts take a comprehensive approach to the task, correct those indicators that can be readjusted without harming the motor.

What is the point of chip tuning for naturally aspirated engines?

Ordinary people are often interested in what is the point of chip-tuning naturally aspirated engines, if the increase in their power is quite insignificant. After the adjustments made, the torque increases, the car becomes "livelier", especially when overtaking. For this, many motorists turn to professionals.

Does chip tuning affect fuel consumption?

Chip tuning masters claim that such changes can not only increase engine power, but also reduce fuel consumption. In principle, this is realistic, but at the expense of lowering environmental standards.

With an increase in the ignition timing, the volume of emissions of nitrogen oxide and carbon dioxide also increases. A car is more harmful to the environment, but consumes less fuel. For motorists, saving gasoline is more important than environmental parameters, so they use chip tuning.

Does chip tuning allow you to make the gas pedal more "responsive"?

Some car enthusiasts are turning to chip tuners to make the gas pedal sharper and more responsive. It is not necessary to make drastic changes to the firmware for this. For this purpose, an electronic corrector can be used, which is installed between the pedal and the ECU. It doubles the pedal signal without interfering with the motor.

What are the chip tuning options?

Some manufacturers offer removable chip tuning units that adjust engine performance without interfering with firmware. Usually such units are removable. They are installed between the motor controller and the injectors. Management is carried out using a mobile application.

There are many operating modes, you choose the right one, depending on the usual driving style and the conditions in which the car is operated. Such a box can always be removed, reconfigured for another model of transport.

Disadvantages of chip tuning

The obvious disadvantages of chip tuning appear only if you order such services from semi-legal specialists who do not give any guarantees of success. The disadvantages of flashing include:

  • the risk of computer malfunctions;
  • reduced engine life;
  • a significant increase in fuel consumption with incorrect settings;
  • high cost of work.

Chip tuning advantages

Chip tuning, if performed in a reputable specialized company, has advantages:

  • minimum terms of work execution;
  • increase in power, "responsiveness" of the engine;
  • the ability to quickly return to the original factory settings;
  • chip tuning allows you to correct factory engine errors, remove defects, improve its performance;
  • the ability to remove restrictions on the maximum permissible speed;
  • an individual approach to the development of updated firmware, taking into account the wishes of the client and the recommendations of the master.

Should I order chip tuning?

The decision on the need to use chip tuning and ordering such services is made only by the car owner, having previously studied all the advantages, disadvantages, features and consequences of interference in the operation of the electronic control unit.

воскресенье, 11 апреля 2021 г.


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Active users of social networks appreciate short, meaningful and entertaining information blocks. Here we are exactly at the right place! There is no better way to show a company's five-year growth, with step-by-step results and achievements, than an infographic. To entertain the audience and attract attention, to stand out in the social mass - these are the main goals of infographics in social networks. What infographics should be posted on social media:

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